BSSC Today

The Council’s focus is upon the legislation and regulation which affects shooting sports, and especially the lawful possession of firearms. It draws together representatives from the entire range of shooting disciplines, from competitive clay target shooting and rifle shooting, both smallbore and fullbore, to airgun shooting, practical shooting, muzzle loading and live quarry shooting with rifle, shotgun and air rifle in all its various aspects. Fully involved in the Council’s work are organisations representing shooting grounds, shooting instructors and the gun trade.

Meetings of the Council are held three or four times a year, receiving recommendations from BSSC’s key Technical and Research Committee and its Finance & General Purposes Committee. Representation of the Council’s views is undertaken by the Secretary.

In a sport as diverse as shooting there is frequently a wide range of opinions, and while the Council will always seek to present a unified voice on issues of importance through consent and co-operation, member associations are free to express their own views or conduct their own lobbying and representation in parallel to BSSC’s work